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Using Transistor Tip122

I want to amplify the voltage output from a current sensor ct1270. using tip122 i want to amplify the voltage from 14mv to some 2v like that... so pls hlp me...


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DJ thats not what he is looking for ,RICH is using it as a switch ,to amplify that signal you need a non inverting op amp circuit with a gain of of 142.85 ,witch is a simple circuit,set it for 100 to 200 gain and with a pot you can adjust it.

I guess you need a circuit i can easy make a schematic or do a seach on the internet for (non inverting op amp circuit),just need a single op amp and 3 resistors.

Can do it with a transistor only it little harder with that much gain needed

TIP122 is a power switching darlington used mostly as a switch


You would like to use the current sensor as a switch, correct?