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The Stalker Robot

Greetings from Norway! Love your work DJ Sures!

I'm planning to build a robot that follows a user, I'm just wondering if there's a way to use the EZ robot controller? I need something that measures distance and direction between the user and the robot, and excludes other users that the robot only follows one user.

I'm a student studying Electronics & Mobile Communication, and therefore do some programming, C, JAVA, VHDL and starting with Python. So it's no problem if the idea need some programming.




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I was thinking of a small device that the user is equipped with, that that can give the data to the robot or something like that. But what could that device be?


You can make a robot with a EZ-b and a wireless camera to look, then you just give (for example) a red LED to a person and enable colour tracking for red with the camera in ARC; no programming required :D


Yeah, but then others can use a red LED and get it off track and change user. I'm thinking off a system that excludes other users/interceptors.


if you walk backwards, it can follow you by face recognition


You can have the distance sensor mounted with the camera. So the distance of the object can be determined.

Ideally, you can also use the Kinect SDK... I was working on a Kinect module, but I haven't figured out what to do with it yet.

Are you using the EZ-SDK DLL?


We're just on the planning stage at this moment, 3d-modeling a prototype and making a "what to buy" list :P

I'm thinking that the robot should avoid objects. For example a person walks and stop between the user and the robot it should drive around the person, but wouldn't that person interfere with the camera and so on?


Just buy a EZ-B, mkay?

It will make your life much easier.


Hi again DJ Sures!

I bought the robot controller:D Excited!!!! So in the meantime, while I'm waiting for the controller, I'm hacking a 80's Saturn robot and making it ready for the controller:P

My friend and I are thinking of merging our hobby project with a school project, since the controller has so many awesome features. But we have to use an Arduino Mega and C programming. Is it possible in for example camera detection mode to use the output commands to motors/servos(5V, yes?) as a kind of TRUE/FALSE sensor on the Arduino? So that the Robot Controller "controls" sensors such as camera, PING among other things and the Arduino controls motors and communication through XBee(Not the comm. for the robot controller;) )

If so that would be awesome!!




I am planning on buying an EZ-B and had the same thought for my robot. I was thinking that I would want to use a blinking IR LED on a wrist or ankle strap as the object to follow. (something invisible to the human eye, but visible to most web cams, just try by looking at the emitter from a TV remote with your web cam). I was assuming that I would need to program this with the EZ-B SDK to capture not just the "color" (which I think will read as white) but also the blink rate, but that I could base it on the existing color tracking functionality.

If you get to it before me (I probably don't have time until later this winter) please share what you come up with.




That was a pretty good idea, we have to look into to that. At this point we're considering using active RFID (around 8 meters range), with two receivers to calculate the difference between the RSSI datas. But we're worrying that it would consume to much of the projects' time.

But if we choose to use your idea I will share the project and the source code:)



That was a pretty good idea, we have to look into to that. At this point we're considering using active RFID (around 8 meters range), with two receivers to calculate the difference between the RSSI datas. But we're worrying that it would consume to much of the projects' time.

But if we choose to use your idea I will share the project and the source code:)



That was a pretty good idea, we have to look into to that. At this point we're considering using active RFID (around 8 meters range), with two receivers to calculate the difference between the RSSI datas. But we're worrying that it would consume to much of the projects' time.

But if we choose to use your idea I will share the project and the source code:)


If you use an IR LED, and a regular camera, then select the detected color to be blue, and also adjust the mininum brightness (you'll need to fine tune the settings).. You can have your robot follow you by sight.

There is a feature to have a script execute when the robot has lost focus of an object. On that script, you can have the robot begin to scan to start tracking.


Er det flere norske her? ::D