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Suggestions For Accelerometers, Gyroscopes, And Gps Receivers?

Suggestions for accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS receivers? I would like to build a model car that is self-driving, much like the car in Knight Rider TV show.


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Great idea, I actually wanted to build the real car and even have some 1982 Trans-Am parts and the correct wheels:)

Anyway, that dream is on hold until I get a larger garage to work on another project car. There is Arduino shields that have GPS in them. I looked at some Ardupilot boards just last night that has GPS maybe something similar would work.


Just figuring out my build and happened to see this page this morning :

Solarbotics GPS & Compass page

Also this video may help for some ideas:

For the Knight rider body you can get an old Kenner car, I had a prototype engineering sample for Kitt years ago. There is also a plastic shell that is 1:10 scale from a Japanese company I would have to find the name but eBay should have it. Aside from the Kenner Kitt, they re-used the car as Bill & Teds excellent adventure toy car but in white.

Hope that helps:)