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Asked — Edited

Steper Motors


I really like this product and have just finished Watching ALL of the Videos.

I am Considering Building a 3d Scanner & CNC MILL.

I am wondering how the Stepper motor connects and controls from the EZ board.....

Could this interface with the Arduino MEGA / UNO Which has drivers to Work with ReplicatorG / Skeinforge... Which are "pointcloud" Software used for creating "Printer Maps" for My project.

I would It if you could do a video Connecting the "Steper motor controller" and Config to the EZ board. (BV4213)

Thanks SPYDAZ.

PS: After i Get my EZ board i will Definatly be Building a Little BOT....... Love Al the Work!


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I've never considered stepper motors as being a native peripheral for the ez-b. There is an I2C Stepper Motor Driver that we suggest on the Add-Ons page.