Asked — Edited

Step-Down Voltage Regulator Gets You 3.3V Dc

Hey folks. Just ordered a few of these:

AMS1117-3.3 Step-Down Voltage Regulator Adapter with 3.3V DC output. And they are easy to install and use; and also have Low power consumption.

Power In: 4.5--7V DC

Power Out: 3.3V DC with Max 800 mA Current.

They are good for those applications where you need to get 3.3 volts to "something". In my case, it was secondary power to a new MP3 board I'm using. Technically, you could draw from the ext. power on the EZB [assuming you are within current draw window], or directly from accessory leads from your battery. (@DJ, can you confirm the ext. power comment please).

I need 1. I will have 4 left over. If you would like one, send my a PM. FYI: I ordered them from China, so they won't be here for a couple weeks.


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