Asked — Edited

Sound Output

Hey there,

I was just wondering if there was a sound output device included in the EZ complete kit. If not, do you know a compatible one? My Dalek must be able to threaten people!

Cheers Al


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There is not one in the kit....but there are some out there and DJ does support one directly for the EZB (There is a control for it in ARC). It is the Sparkfun MP3 Trigger.

MP3 Trigger

You can also find others that should work....some not as easy as others though so take note. This thread discusses other players:

MP3 Trigger Thread

I ordered one that is I2C compatable so it should work just fine as the EZB has an I2C connector on it. I will report back how it works when I get it and get it in my bot.

I2C DFRduino Player

But if you want one that is definitely compatible you may want to stick with the Sparkfun MP3 can search the forum for that as well to find out more.

Good Luck

