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Something Completely Different

I found i lost interest in the robot building for a while and returned to another cool hobby CNC milling. Anyways

I have started building another cool cnc based toy i thought some in this group may find interesting. 3d printing Here is a video showing the printer from another newcomer to printing Hoss's 3d printer printing an owl has thousands of files of things to print out. You can design your own parts in cad and print them out in plastic too.

Makergear has a few really cool printers that are nearly plug n play but most involve tweaking a bit.

Just thought i would throw it out there for everyone interested to investigate on there own. It is addicting being able to print real life objects out of plastic and have it in your hand in a few hours.

just think of the cool robot parts you could design and print out.

do a search for reprap 3d printing.


P.S. The plastic parts on the printer in that video were all printed out themselves on the identical machine.


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