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This first week was amazing. I had a lot of fun meeting the entire team and following some of them around to see what their roles are like at EZ-Robot. I tagged along with Jeremie, Cory and Geoff when DJ was busy. I'm getting more and more used to shooting a video each day. I also feel like I actually live with DJ now, we're like room-mates. I'm really having the time of my life over here!

Friday: Today DJ and I went to the office pretty late. Geoff (EZ-Robot's "Jack-of-all-trades") was busy indexing their inventory so I helped him with that. They go through so many servo's and battery holders testing all of the new products! After we were done putting everything in its proper box, I found an aftermarket quadcopter lying on the shelves which they had been experimenting with. DJ told me I could fly it, so that's what I did. It was really hard to control, but eventually I got it to hover a couple of centimetres above the ground. It turned out that Cory used to own a RC helicopter. I let him try it, and he was pretty good at flying the thing!

Saturday: On Saturday morning DJ and I met up with Mark to visit a car show EZ-Robot sponsored in Stanley Park. There were some pretty neat cars over there. I'm not really interested in what a car looks like from the outside, more what happens underneath the outer shell. After that we were supposed to go to Heritage Park along with Mark (EZ-Robot's Operations Manager) and his son, but it was too hot outside. DJ and I decided to instead go to Banff. Banff is a National Park with a very popular little tourist town. On the way there we stopped in Canmore (another town on the way) to have lunch, and we also stopped at various other sightseeing spots. In Banff we walked around for a while, I bought DJ some rubber duckies (he's really into them) and we also picked up some candy (fudge, peanut brittles and Rice Krispy clusters). It was about 8pm when we decided to head home. We had dinner, watched some TV and went to bed.

Sunday: Sunday was a rest day. I didn't really do much, except hang on the couch watching Eureka and eating a Rice Krispy cluster. I watched DJ fix some small bugs and implement an ARC function.


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Whew!:) Thanks for the update...rubber ducks eh! :)....Some wildlife in the Netherlands..hmmm maybe at at nightclub haha. The rockies are amazing all right....Canmore is where my sister lives! hmm I better get up there sometime and say hello! Its really nice to see the staff as "real" people(including DJ):)


@irobot58 that's true, most people see the EZ-Robot staff (mainly DJ) as work-bots. But they are also people;)


Glad you got to see Banff. My wife and I honeymooned there 21 years ago, and I have been dying to go back since. Amazing views right from the car or only short hike from the parking areas (also some really great long hikes, but my wife blew out her knee on one of the long ones on the second day, and we still were able to enjoy the rest of the 10 days because of the amazing locations in the park).
