Asked — Edited

Sharp Gp2d12 Sensor

I'm having a blast with my EZ-Robot kit.

I need to know how to hook up the Sharp GP2D12 sensor to the EZ board.

I mounted this sensor at the bottom of my Wall-e pointing to the floor. My grandson lives in a two story house and I haven't taught Wall-e to climb or go down stairs yet (yea right), so this is to prevent him from doing so.

As he approaches any stair way the distance to the floor is aprox 4", if this sensor is greater than that 4" than he will stop, back up, turn and continue.

Also this change in distance won't be detected until Wall-e gets within about 6 of a stairway, will this allow enough time to react? I could mount this sensor higher on Wall-e's body to increase the distance.




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