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Set Command In ARC Script

There appears to be a bug in the SET script command it causes a compiler syntax error when used. I'm using ToggleDigital as a workaround for now


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Oh my! I will take a look at it tonight



I looked at the command, and I can not duplicate the error. The command appears to work fine. Reference the script help along the side for the command example...

Set (digitalPort, [on/off])
Set a digital port state to either on or off
Example: Set(D2, OFF)

United Kingdom

Just tried it again and it works now?

It's a simple piece of code to switch the Omnibot eyes on/off when you pass near his ping sensor

Ping_Wait(D2,D3, lower, 30) set(D12,on) set(D13,on) Ping_Wait(D2,D3, Higher, 30 set(D12,off) set(D13,off)

Repeat on

Perhaps it was the previous ARC ver which I can't test

Thanks for looking:) :)