Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by ptp!

Sending Commands To A Second Ezb Via Script

Hi, I am trying to send a command to a second EZB on my inmoov. I do not know the syntax to reference the second EZB. for instance when I run

SendSerial(D23, 9600, "F0,0,200,200,0,0,50,20,R")

it sends the the serial pulse to my first EZB. How do I make it reference the second EZB where the serial line is plugged in?

I know DJ I always check the "?" in the control but I can not nut this one out.

So what would be the syntax and I would appreciate an example.

Thanks Perry


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second EZB (board 1):

SendSerial(1.D23, 9600, "F0,0,200,200,0,0,50,20,R")


ptp to the rescue. Thanks so much. It was there in front of me.