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Sam Inmoov Build Starting Oct 2018

This is a build of the Inmoov robot. I will be moving at the speed of my 3D printer and life.

I humbly hope to improve upon the great work that has already been done.

  1. I will be experimenting with hydro dipping the entire robot. a. I will also be Acetone Vapor bathing the entire robot.

  2. I will be putting proximity sensors throughout Sam. a. These will be made with conductive paint and sealed.

  3. I will be changing the face of Sam using DazStudio3D and Meshmixer.

  4. I will enable Sam to walk. a. I am experimenting with a ridged shaft that collapses inside another shaft
    held in the "open" position with elastic cord. To bend or "close" the position a servo will move through a 2 point pully system. Then the servo will release allowing the "open" position to snap in place.

    b. Sam will be held upright by a hoop around her waiste on springs. This is a baby walker for robots.

  5. To comfort myself during this build I plan on drinking a great deal of beer.

The right hand and forearm is a 4 beer job.....

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


@Dave Schulpius

Thank buddy,

I drink black and tans. It is first 1/2 Guinness blond then you add in 1/2 Guinness Stout on top. It is the smoothest beer I have ever had or keep having!


Best wishes and enjoy this wonderful weekend

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Yep, Black and Tan is a fine beer blend. However sometimes it more work then I want to go through for a beer. LOL. ;)