Asked — Edited

Roomba Wont Move After Setting Servo Position.

Okay so not sure if this is a bug, I am using a roomba as the movement for my bot, and I have a robotic arm attached to the top. If I initalize the roomba alone, I can drive it around fine using the Roomba commands in the SDK. If I try to set a servoposition on the arm and then try to move the roomba again, it seems the servos on the arm "jump" and nothing happens, the roomba wont move and the arm seems to go into convulsions.

Any ideas what might be wrong?


I think the battery actually just died in the roomba as I was testing. The arm doesnt use the roomba battery so that makes sense ;)


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ok still going into convulsions after roomba is charged.

Watch vid.


Not too sure exactly what is going on, but I do know that if you put the irobot into the mode where you are controlling it with the SCI commands, the buttons will be disabled as well as potentially some other settings be changed or limited. A great writeup I've found that could be worth checking out: Hope this helps!


this was resolved with firmware update! Thanks for the post!