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Roomba Interface

are you able to add the 3 buttons and more to the roomba interface ,like clean and other commands,main reason is that once you remove the 3 vacuum motors you have 3 high current switches to switch on a camera or anything else one thing great about the ROOMBA is that you can get one very cheap on ebay plus once you remove all vacuum motors have more space and less weight ebay mostly has thenm for about $30,i got a few from ebay ,plus got 2 from thrift store near me for $10 each


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2012.01.25.00 love yor board alot great design


Thank you dude:D

Does that roomba control panel not have Clean, Max Clean, Spot, Vacuum, Brush, or Side Brush buttons?

Good idea using the roomba's pin-outs for those motors to turn on other stuff. that's smart!


yes it does now,maybe last time it didnt thanks i can use one of the bittons for adding a second battery and turning on a camera one hope to see a KINECT camera add on,biggest selling item for robotics and has SDK for it too


kinect is on the way:)

ez-bits are being sent to the printers for beta. should be online VERY soon. and following that a few other goodies, one including Kinect.


You have to turn it on. If you check the documention, there is a wake-up pin that you can wire to a digital i/o on the ez-b. Offhand i do not know what it is. But you can read about it in the Roomba SCI interface Manual.

3 Kinects? That's awesome!


yes i know its DD pin,can be done in software too,but need a change to your roomba interface have you thought of adding it