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Reworking The Armatron Arm.

Well I am working on another small project while I wait for the V4 to arrive for my robot. I have bought 2 Radio Shack Armatron arms off of Ebay. I am working on adding them to my robot build. As some of you know the Armatrons only use one motor to control the arm with 2 joysticks, everything is run by gears. Well I have taken both arms totally apart, gutted them of all of the gears. I am working on making the arms work with one or 2 gear boxes out of the Robiosapien V2 and a couple of metal gear servos. It is taking some customizing and work cutting with a Dremel, but I believe it's going to work, and well it gives me something to tinker around with when I am not working on my robot. Just thought I would throw what I am doing out into the robot world, it could come in handy if it all works out for someone looking for an idea for arms and hands. I will update more on my progress, not rushing it, just taking my time :-} For those of you reading this who don't know or remember the Armatron Arms, here are some pictures. They can also be found on Ebay.

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Just something I am working on, could be a very useful conversion for someone looking for arms and hands for a robot :-} I'll see what I can do :-}


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That thing has sooooo many gears. I took one apart once. I'm glad you gutted them to go for a different one.

#2 Yes it does have a lot of gears, I bought 2 arms fairly cheap and they didn't work that well, so I gutted them. I worked on one of them tonight and well I believe I have away to make them work so I can add them to my robot and also control them with the V4. I also managed to grab a Mobile Armatron off of Ebay, it is on its way in the mail.

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I am going to work on this one also, I got some ideas :-}


That's a really tough find you have there.


@jstarne1 I let one get by me about 2 weeks ago on Ebay, this one I didn't think twice on. I am seeking one more, they tend to be a rare find.


How long is the armatron arm fully extended? I'm still figuring out the arms for my bot. I'm probably going to start a showcase thread for him soon now that he's starting to come together :-)


@Kullthulu How's that Omnibot 2000 head working for you, I am glad I was able to help you out by having an extra one, I am also glad it got to you safe and sound :-} To answer your question about how long the Armatron Arm is fully extended, well roughly around 16 inches long and that is just the arm, not including the control base, which is not being used. Now the Mobile Armatron Arm looks like it might be longer, that will be coming my way soon, I can give you measurements on it also when it arrives. From the looks of it, the Mobile Armatron is more motorized and less gearing, but I will know more once I can take it apart. I would very much like to see your bot project :-}


Here is some updated photos of what the arms look like tonight, I am still working on them.

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