United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

Re-Using Components

So I have a few servos and things which I have taken from various toys. I had the intention of connecting them to the EZ-B board. However they are not 3 prong connectors. They have 2. I'm not entirely sure what each of the 2 wires does, but they are definitely connected to servos. I think they are grounded already. I attempted to connect them in various ways to the ports on the EZ-B. None of them seemed to create any output to the servo. Signal and 5v, signal and ground, ground and 5v etc. I only expected the signal and 5v configuration to work of course, but tried all anyway. Is it possible to make them compatible, or is this hopeless and I should just buy new compatible servos?


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United Kingdom

I take back what I said about it being a servo. I'm starting to think it's a motor. SO basically what I am asking is how I can control a motor off of an EZ'B


You can look up DJ sures' video on connecting LED's with the EZ-B, in stead of LED's, use the motor:)

United Kingdom

The best way to control a motor for movement like wheels is via a H Bridge take a look at the tutorials or you could use a relay. Connecting motors directly to the EZB board is not a good idea as the current drawn maybe too much hope this helps


Oh yes do not connect a motor to the ez-b directly! Use an HBridge. Even to control a relay you'd need a switching transistor.

If your motor doesn't need directional control, then feel free to use a switching transistor. But for the cost of HBridges, get one:) Check the tutorial section on that