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Rc Car Into A Robot


I was wondering if anyone here has ever used the Bluetooth robot controller to turn an RC car into a robot.

I can think of a few possible issues off the top of my head:

  1. Range - RC cars move fast, how can I get a few hundred feet of range?
  2. Power - I'd want to use the power source from my ESC (a SC700-BL) to power the controller rather than have a second power supply. It has a female connector that goes to my receiver but I'm not sure it will "just work" with the bluetooth controller, any ideas?
  3. Servo - I assume the controller can handle the servo that I have on my car, but would like to confirm that it can handle 4.8-6V
  4. Anything else I need to worry about?

Sorry if the questions are unclear/incomplete but I'm just starting and am not sure what to even ask.




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Smarter people than me may have additional things to say, but here are a few thoughts:

  1. Range. The BT module on the EX-B can be replaced with a WiFi or XBee module for fairly low cost which will increase your range significantly.

  2. EZ-B needs a minimum of 5 volts and can take up to 14. Your ESC should just work.

  3. Digital outputs provide 5v, so you should be fine.

  4. If you have many many servos (for a car, probably not an issue) you can experience brownouts and may want to consider separate power for the EZ-B from the servos.



Thanks everyone, will try to order tonight and see where it goes.


You can get up to 300 feet using two Class 1 Bluetooth devices, one USB dongle for your PC and one BlueSM1RF to replace the EZ-B class 2 bluetooth module. You just need to solder a header to the unit from Sparkfun.