United Kingdom
— Edited
Being a complete numpty with RSS feeds I thought I would try the feed on this website. I added an RSS gadget to my desktop and selected the correct feed but do I need to add my account details to get the feed to update?
You should not need to add account details. Strange, it works on my iphone and browser. What gadget is that? I'll take a look
Its the standard one in Windows 7 you get by right clicking on the desktop and click on Gadgets on the drop list. It just seems to show the latest post and thats that
Looks like that gadget only shows the top article
I don't know. IE and Microsoft are upsetting me. I subscribed to my feed. Now I can't unsubscribe because there doesn't seem to be an option. I have google searched, and nothing comes up.
Seems like RSS subscription is a contract with the devil
Ah i think i figured it out. Stupid poorly documented rss stuff
Actually not poorly documented. Just overly documented. Too many ppl writing too much about it and contradicting everyone else. Works?
It maybe the way I was or wasn't subscribing to the field in IE. I seem to have all the threads now so I will keep an eye on it ta
yah i figured it out. i had to re-write the RSS XML module a bit differently. It was requiring some values that "group" threads together.