
Project Save Button. Better Indication That The Save Was Successful.
Is there any chance of a better indication that a local "Save" project request has been recognized and is successful?
When I want to save my ARC project it usually takes a few seconds. During the process it's hard to know if my request has been recognized and and has completed successfully.
I know the color of the button changes during the process. However for the technologically challenged it's easy to miss and hard to understand.
Could a pop up be added letting the user know what has happened? Perhaps this pop up could be disabled in the options menu if not wanted.
It's a GUI no-no to have a "save successful" menu. And that's not something anyone else would want. The log file shows that save was successful. You can look at that. If you press the SAVE button, the project is saved.
This was converted to a question because it is not a feature request.
OK. Thanks. I understand.
Ok, Just thought it would make things more clear what is going on.