Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Rich!

No Blue Light On Controller After Attempted Firmware Upgrade

Tried to get support through the contact page with limited success. Only had one response back from support after three attempts on the support page. Not sure if the board is bad or just the firmware. This is what I had sent to support.

The current state of the controller is a fast flashing red light the Bluetooth module and no blue light on the led. I was trying to put the initial firmware on the controller. The controller was seen by the Bluetooth device as a linvor device. I started the ez-b firmware update. It connected to the controller and started to download the firmware. It had finished the first part for the copy but when it started to copy the firmware from temp to the controller the process hung up. After @15 minutes there was no more response. I removed the power from the controller is hopes to restart the process. That is when nothing worked. I have done the diagnostics that was on the web site. I do have continuity on the Bluetooth module. There is also @5v on the power supply test. There is no real voltage across the blue led. It is in the low millivolts. I can make the red light on the Bluetooth module stay red if I try a different terminal program. I did make sure the batteries were new also. The board is an EZ-B V3+ rev 1.



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EZ-Robot's were flooded recently which I suspect may be the reason why there was a lack of response. I'm sure DJ or Alan will be in contact with you regarding this.

To answer a few questions.

Red light flashing means the bluetooth is not connected. Red light solid means the bluetooth is connected. The EZ-B will show as Linvor when you first pair it - this is normal.

It may pay to try a different power source, possibly something more reliable than batteries. While fresh batteries should be OK it isn't always the case. Personally I use an old router power supply that's 12v 2A. This provides a constant voltage to avoid any problems. If you can it may be worth trying the same. The EZ-B can accept anything from 6v to 17v.

Try and be patient though, EZ-Robot support will sort you out if there is a problem with the board.


Rich, I have tried a different power source. My problem is I cannot get the firmware software to connect to the board to upload the initial firmware. I do also realize the site was flooded and have been patient. My initial support call was logged on June 9. I had one email back from Alan and responded back to him but no more follow up.


The problem turned out to be a bad firmware upgrade. I would like to express my thanks to Geoff from the EZ-B team for the above and beyond service that he provided. His great service was greatly appreciated.