I have two EZBv4 's and trying to get the older one working again. I reset it at pin hole yellow lights flash and pink then flashing blue light, EZB wifi connects to my P.C. okay and ARC does see the EZB in connections but as soon as I hit connect it goes solid blue for 3 seconds but then starts flashing again with message saying EZB is on correct network ip address but can't connect to EZB? Also the speaker not working be3cause I did the speaker hack and the wires are disconnected with no speaker.
*Moved to its own thread
Are you sure the controller wasn’t damaged during the hack. Or it’s not connected correctly to the second board when they were detached. This is a symptom of the bottom board (io board) not responding.
id use the regular speaker or any speaker and verify it speaks. If it doesn’t play audio on startup or reset then you’d know the bottom second board is damaged
Ok will hook up speaker and see what it says as it is my oldest eZB, did the speaker hack years ago and worked all this time and just suddenly would not connect.
I think it is a problem with top circuit board since I swapped the newer one on top of old base and it started connecting. So ya that is weird because I had the bottom one go bad 2 times before and they were cheap to replace. Anyway ,the thread about using the old Latte Panda as another EZB with Arduino Leanardo built in circuit sounds like something to try. I have a really great power bank that could run it mobile for hours on any robotic projects.Only thing I need to know where to download the Leanardo app on the Panda as I dont seem to have the app there anymore edit-- Okay I found the firmware download Link at synthiam, I also see my old posts as Roborad and remember I tried this hack but failed to get it working for some unknown reason, then gave up LOL! Will try again and see if same downloading problem happens. If it does ,may just buy a new second EZB Tiny since , I need two controllers for my projects. Oh yes wait a minute, on second look, it does appear that it may be the bottom circuit board that has failed on me for the 3rd time just not able to connect to wifi network on EZB.I was confused that the base is actually just where the fuse and power connector sits and the other circuit boards are connected together as 1 piece at top,That bottom circuit is the problem.