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Multiple Forms Ezb.Connect1 Problems

Hi Guys

Im trying to create multiple forms with the EZ B connection on Form 1 (Home page). On Form 2 I have a button to activate digital port D19. I'm using the code below:

ezB_Connect1.EZB.Digital.SetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D19, false);

However I am getting the error:

The name 'ezB_Connect1 does not exist in the current context.

I've experimentaed with the code in Tutorial 22 - Multiple Forms. But to no avail.

Iv'e also changed the visiibilty of the EZ_B.Connect1 property to public.

Anyone any ideas?




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In the example programs that DJ gives, under downloads SDK, one called multiple Forms. you need to pass the ez_b.connect1.ezb to second form.

you now use the ezb delared in second form as ez_b.connect1.ezb

so ez_b.connect1.ezb.servo.setposition()

is now ezb.servo.setposition()

United Kingdom

Hi orwnic82

Thanks for the reply

I'm a newcomer to c# and still getting my head around the terms. when you say 'pass' what does that entail?

thanks Dan



By pass what your doing is allowing the second form access to the methods/classes that are provided on the first form. If you look over the example DJ provides there is a line on the first form that states something to this extent: Form2 f2; f2 = new Form2(ezB_Connect1.EZB);

the first line defines the term f2 as Form2 which is the second form of the project //unless you named the forms different

the second line declares f2 to be a new form passing the contents of the connection of the ez-b

f2.Show(); will simply enable the second form window to show

in the second form you'll have to edit the public Form2() which contains the Initailization of the form declare a global variable of EZB _ezb = new EZB(); public Form2(EZB ezb) { InitializeComponent(); _ezb = ezb; }

here your enabling form2 access to the ezb_connect1.ezb and producing as _ezb, instead of calling it up as ezb_connect1.ezb in the second form you'll be using _ezb

Hope that helps a bit, keep on coding.

United Kingdom

Hi orwnic82,

Can't thank you enough. Got it to work!! Brilliant!

Changed the line to:

_ezb.Digital.SetDigitalPort(EZ_B.Digital.DigitalPortEnum.D19, false);

Many thanks!



No problem, Helping a fellow robotic enthusiest. Have fun creating your interface and hope to see what it looks like when you have it completed.