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Motor And Potentiometer Script Help

I had this script working in ARC with only one board. I added a second board and added a 1. to the beginning of each command in the scripts but now I cant get the ports to turn of or on.

I also get Syntax errors after I've run the scrip a few times and (I dont think) I made any changes.

I also added the .1 in the call scripts "move right" and "move left". Please see each below and let me know what I'm doing wrong:

#Main script:

This script will move an HBridge to

the specified ADC value.

1.if ($adcSpecified = 0) goto(Error)


1.$adcCurrent = GetADC(adc0)

1.if ($adcCurrent $adcSpecified) goto(RotateRight)

1.if ($adcCurrent = $adcSpecified) goto(RotateStop)


:RotateLeft 1.Set(d1, on) 1.Set(d0, off) Return()

:RotateRight 1.Set(d1, off) 1.Set(d0, on) Return()

:RotateStop 1.Set(d1, off) 1.Set(d0, off) Halt()

:Error Say("There is no specified position to move too")

#Move Right Script:

This script will move the motor into the

right position

1.$adcSpecified = 150 ControlCommand("Hips", scriptStart)

#Move Left Script:

This script will move the motor into the

left position

1.$adcSpecified = 50 ControlCommand("Hips", scriptStart)

Any help is welcomed. Thanks, Dave Schulpius


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Do I have to have both boards powered up and connected to make my new script work on the second board (first board shown as 0 and the second shown as 1 in the connect panel)? I only have the soecond board powered up.


OK, I have at least one D ports now working with the script. I added a "Set" control for the two ports I'm useing on the second board and confirmed that they are turning on and off with a volt meter. I've also found how to get by the Sytanx Error I go the call scripts and save each. That way I can go into the main script and make changes and save.

I've played with the script and have it turning on at least one of the Digital ports when I start the call scripts. However when I turn the pot the Varible Watch panel showing the "$adccurrent" does not change. It's stays on 1.0. I think this means it's not reading the ADC port of the second board. I still have sonething wrong with the main script. Here's the script as it is now (any help is welcomed):

This script will move an HBridge to

the specified ADC value.

if ($adcSpecified = 0) goto(Error)


$adcCurrent = 1.GetADC(adc0)

if ($adcCurrent $adcSpecified) goto(RotateRight)

if ($adcCurrent = $adcSpecified) goto(RotateStop)


:RotateLeft 1.Set(d1, on) 1.Set(d0, off) Return()

:RotateRight 1.Set(d1, off) 1.Set(d0, on) Return()

:RotateStop 1.Set(d1, off) 1.Set(d0, off) Halt()

:Error Say("There is no specified position to move too")