Hi Guys, I'm tinkering with the G-bot some more. I found out why I could not get the neon working before. It turns out my power system design did not supply adequate voltage to the neon transformer. Without boring you all with the details, it was only getting 11.3 volts which was just below the transformers minimum input threshold. That being said, I ordered a new voltage converter with plenty of oomph (100 watts - the transformer needs about 68 watts) directly from china... While I'm waiting for the slow boat (yawwnnn...) I decided to get around to installing a linear actuator I purchased long ago to act as the robot's bubble lifter. So far so good.
I have one of the L298 2.5 amp controllers that I want to use to control it. All I need is for the actuator to get full voltage and be able to switch polarity to raise or lower the bubble. There is no need to vary its speed, just full up or full down.
What is the simplest way to connect it to the EZB?
Thanks in advance!
Check my L298n H-Bridge tutorial, it tells you everything you need to know about the L298n and should help you out
Thanks @Rich I couldn't find that one.
I reread this one synthiam.com/Tutorials/Hardware.aspx?id=25 but I was trying to figure out if I really needed four ports to control only one motor with no speed control... Guess I'll learn to fish (again) myself and keep switching three inputs and ports around until it works (the truth table in your tutorial leads me to believe I should be able to control one motor with only three ports...)
Yes, you can control 1 motor with 3 ports.
You can control one motor with 2 ports if you don't want speed control.
Make sure the jumper is on linking EnA to +5V. Port In1 to one digital port, i.e. D0 Port In2 to one digital port, i.e. D1 Vcc to Vcc from any port or direct battery connection Ground to Ground from any port or direct battery connection Push the switch to enable the voltage regulator
Simply set In1 to High and In2 to Low for one direction In1 to Low and In2 to High for the other direction In1 and In2 to Low to stop In1 and In2 to High to enable the brake (if applicable)
Port preservation is bocoming important. The G-Bot is kind of demanding and I have many more things I want to add or upgrade...
Thank you!