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K-9 Build Tips, I Beg Of You, Wise Masters

Greetings! I am currently working on a build of K-9 from Doctor Who. I haven't had any problems with the engineering aspect, actually building the beastie's body, and haven't actually ordered the roboty bits as yet. However, I was wondering if you wise and venerable computer masters would share any tips with plebian, unenlightened me about the things I want my robot to do. Motor skills don't daunt me- programming my robot to drive about and not run into things, aside from other tasks will not be a problem. I was wondering, though, if I could insert some kind of digital assistant chatbot thingy with a K-9 personality and access to a calculator program and encyclopedia onto my humble creation's brain. Is this reasonable? If so, do you have any tips as to how? Have I just made a fool of myself in front of those who actually know what they are talking about?


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EZ-B relies on a connection (Bluetooth by default, but with a little modification you can do WiFi, or just USB if the computer is going to be in the Bot instead of remote). Because of this, you have the full power of your computer to do these kinds of things. The ARC software already supports voice recognition and text to speech for scripted activities, and scripts can do anything that Visual Basic or VC.Net can do, including passing control to an external program like Dragon Naturally Speaking for instance. If the computer is not on board, you will need some kind of remote speaker and microphone solution. The EZ-B camera can be the microphone, but you may want higher quality for good voice reco. Many speaker solutions, and one simple solution is a portable Bluetooth Car speaker set. You can pair it with the computer and it provides two way communication.

An alternative would be to embed an Android phone (doesn't need an account, just WiFi for internet connection). There are several cheap or free voice apps that can do google lookups, calculations, and lots of other stuff all voice triggered. Android's own voice search can do it, but you need to press a button for it to listen, where some of the 3rd party apps can listen for a key-word.

If you are in the Mid-Atlantic area (I am in DC suburbs of Maryland), we should talk in more detail. I want to build essentially a SteamPunk version of K-9. I have the computer skills you are looking for, but not so much the physical construction skills. Maybe we could trade some services.



Thanks Alan, that helps a lot. Unfortunately, I'm quite a bit north of you, and even more unfortunately, won't have the extra funding to be working on any robot, due to some rather extensive car trouble. Sorry Jstarne, I don't have any pictures at the moment, and I don't actually have anything with a camera on it. Maybe once I start working on him again, I'll see what I can do:) Again, thanks a ton, Alan.


My build has been on hold for a while due to needing to replace my car, and tree damage during the big storm earlier this summer, so I feel for you. I have just managed to squirrel away enough to start ordering a few more parts and get to work on the mechanicals again.

I am kind of going the opposite order as you. Building a base with the power and electronics first, and will add the body later.
