— Edited

Hello, i would like to ask if JD's volume can be adjusted. I noticed that JD's volume is rather soft when i tried making him talking using the SayEZB command.
Another issue I've encountered is, I tried using JD to grab some soft object, and when i tried it, there is thick smoke coming out from the gripper servo. After that i tried using the gripper servo, and it is not working! mad confused
You have tightened his gripper too tight and burnt the servo. It will need to be replaced. You can find a replacement in the store diy section. It's a micro servo
be careful to not burn out servos by having them close too much over an object. That's just like holding a motor from trying to rotate. Any electronic product with a motor must not be stressed or it will burn out.
As for the volume - that's about as loud as it can go if you have already used the setvolume() commnd.
okay, thank you for your assistance!
any time