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Invitation To Dj Sures The Best Technological Event In Latin America

Hi Dj sures! I saw your video at Calgary Pecha Kucha, and I have a idea for you...

Ez-Robot has much potential to be further developed with great minds that exist in Latin America.

Each year takes place in different parts of Latin America's largest gathering of technology with the greatest minds and explositores the moment, is a meeting where YOU could you show all the potential of this continent EZ-Robot, Latin America is a country that is growing technologically in a very accelerated.

Last year at this fair called CAMPUS PARTY presented great minds such as: Neil Harbisson (the world's first cyborg recognized by a country) Kevin Mitnick (The best hacker in the world)

And many others which stand out in your life with technology and innovation.

Here you have the video of last year

Click To Watch Video

Reaches more people each year and this event is done in about 8 countries of America.

The event was broadcast live over the internet, came the news worldwide and I am sure that EZ will be the best in CAMPUS PARTY.

Here you have the web page of campus party of Ecuador

And here you have the web page of campus party in the world.

This will be a great opportunity for the world to find out what you did, what all this community loves to do ....

On the website you can find someone to contact you so you can be an exponent, remembers is an opportunity not to be missed and will be held from 19 to 23 September.

Let the world know EZ-Robot

User-inserted image

If you need more information please contact me. this is my mail:


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If someone wants to go!! welcome!:)


Thanks for the heads up! I think someone has contacted us about this. I seem to recall it being brought up in a meeting.


I hope you can be here... because the last year was amazing!.... from now... I have bought my ticket to assist the 4 days!:) Latin America has a lot of genius!:)


If it is tropical sunshine and smart people, I might never leave:)


jaja! yeah! smart people... creative people... and Ez has a future here:)