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Image Overlay On Twitter Image

ok, i cant seem to find what i am missing.. I have setup the camera with motion and face tracking. I have added overlays on the camera config, and linked it up to twitter. The image does not include the overlays however. I can, it seems, add text via the script editor and that appears as the body of the tweet. I have tried my searching on the forums but cant seem to find what i am looking for. I have attempted adding plugins and use the "Target Overlay," and while it appears in the Camer Config applet, it doesnt come across on the twitter image, nor on any Camera Snapshots. I am seeking an image to be captured based on face recog, and sent with overlays to a twitter page. Is this supported?

Below is an example of the image from ARC.

User-inserted image


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The images that are saved, including video - do not include the overlay without writing some code to extend the camera control as a plugin.

But - I'll add this as a feature request for a future release:)