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I Need Help Urgently About My Order.. Help Me Please?


I am from Ecuador and this year in mi hgh school I have with my science fair group, to present a proyect and my project is with your kit, but I dont know if you really shipped my kit.... in your webpage say "SHIPPED" but in say "Order information received by Canada Post" since 29/02/2012, I dont know what it means?? This project is for my final exam in this year..... I need the kit urgently.... please help me??

@DJ Sures please???? I have tried to contact you but I dont have a response.....



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here you can see.


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If you chose the least expensive shipping option, than this is all that Canada Post will show. They don't track the shipment. In some countries, your own postal service will use their tracking number, so if Ecuador's postal service has tracking, you can try that. The US Postal Service did not, so until mine showed up, I could not track the status.

It took 10 days to get to me from the time DJ shipped it. It came air mail, so I would expect about the same for Equador. You should start watching your mail box around 2/13.

If you chose one of the shorter delivery options, than you should contact Canada Post.



A little more on shipping (I was looking for this before, but couldn't fine it before I posted). Read post #48 in this thread.

It explains why DJ can't tell you any more about the shipping status once he gives it to Canada Post.



@edison2 It depends on the shipping method you selected. There are 3-4 shipping methods at the time of purchase. When you purchase a product online, the pricing difference between shipping methods determines the time of delivery. Most people choose the Generic Air service, which quotes between 6-10 business days (2 weeks), within exception. There are 3 links below the option that read "For more information" which contains details of the exceptions. The exceptions are dependent on the receiver's country postal service.

Canada Post hands the package off to your country's postal service.

The least expensive shipping method is half price of the 3-5 business day delivery option. Not many people choose the 3-5 business day delivery option.

As for someone getting back to you... I imagine our inbox is full and Amy is working through messages. When you send a message to EZ-Robot, the automated message explains it may take a few days for a response. This is not always the case, as we usually get back to messages within the same business day. This week is an exception due to the high volume of messages we have received.


@DJ Sures I selected the option that takes 6 to 10 days by air, and on your site and sent out a week ago but in the page of status has not changed my package, I would like to know why this happens? thanks


The 6-10 day option, Canada post does not provide tracking data. Your postal carrier may or may not use Canada Posts shipping number when they hand it over to them.