Asked — Edited

How Can I Make The Light Sensor Go On My Hexapod Body?

I really want a cool Hexapod custom robot but I don't know how to place a light monitor on? It would also be cool if it could hold cans. I really want to know. Thank you! confused tired&:(


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What do you want to do with the light monitor?... A light monitor typically connects to a analog port of a controller like the EZB (there possibly could be digital ones too)... However, the ones I am familiar with send out an analog voltage proportionate to ambient light... Meaning the more light the higher the voltage output or vice versa... (which is 0 - 5V)... You can read this with your ezb controller and then make your robot do something based on the amount of light it sees... Hope this helps... My guess is you probably really won't understand what I just said (based on the question you asked)... However, you have to start somewhere and if you stick with it and this community forum you will quickly learn to build and program the robot of your dreams. So I do hope you stick with this as it will take some time to learn what you need to do to accomplish what you want to do...


I'm just wondering if I can place the light monitor on the Hexapod dome or the side of its head.


I would like to display light with the LED.


You sure can.... The ezb can utilize many different peripherals attached to it including light sensors and leds...