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Hollywood Film Looking For Functioning Rover Robot

Ambush Entertainment, the production company responsible for such films as SUPER and the Academy Award-nominated THE SQUID AND THE WHALE, is about to begin filming on a low budget SciFi thriller in Los Angeles. We are looking for a pre-assembled, functioning RC robot rover to borrow in EXCHANGE FOR CREDIT in the film. We would be glad to pay for transportation/shipping of any such robot rover loaned.

If you have any such robot, please contact Assistant Production Coordinator Olivia Haas as


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Don't limit your robot's potential – subscribe to ARC Pro and transform it into a dynamic, intelligent machine.


That would be fun:D

All EZ-Robot people should apply! This would be awesome


You can buy a Brookstone Rover for $99!!

Download ARC and you have a great robot with extra functions!


He spilled the beans! and broke the egg:(


What they need is one of you guys to run the robot!