Hi everyone,
As you probably already know I'm Rich's daughter Phoebe that is building a Wall-e with my dad.
I reckon wall-e is awesome because he's cute, funny and is the best robot ever! Here's a few thing about me: I'm 9 years old, I go to Lower Plenty Primary School, I'm in grade four, I enjoy making stuff and I reckon my dad is awesome because he's is allway buiding me stuff and now is building me a Wall-e robot.
Yesterday dad and I went to the hardware store for some more stuff for Wall-e my and dad got me protective glasses for in his workshop as it was the fist time i have worked in my dad's workshop I have learnt how to sand, how to hand plane and how to dint wood. My dad used to be a carpenter but now he sell's radio control stuff and fixes it for custumers He has a really cool workshop. My dad got me a plastic remote controll wall-e to keep my ocupied because the Wall-e we are making is going to take a long time to make but we also use it to get sizes and details off it. Yesterday when we thought we finished Wall-e's body dad thought he was done with the woodwork I relised Wall-e had to have a handle on his back. We are trying to make Wall-e do as much as we can. Today I'm making pretty much all by myself a miniture Wall-e with his eyes pocking out a bit and his tracks pocking out a bit Iare making him 2 1/2 cm. similer to the picture below:
Thanks for all help with Wall-e.
see ya, Phoebe
Hi Phoebe!
Welcome to the EZ-B Forum. There's lots of experienced friendly people here, so if you have a question feel free to ask. The Wall-e you are making sounds really cool, I hope you'll have lots of fun building it.
Welcome to the group Phoebe! It is fantastic to see someone your age really interested in robots, and the work you have already done (with your dad) on your Wall-e is amazing.
Hi Phoebe,
Did you download the hello Dolly music that Wall.e listens to in his container? Could you post a link to where you found it please? All of the ones I have found so far have been low quality or simply the wrong ones!
A big Welcome from the UK too
Phoebe has gone to bed and will answer you tomorrow after school, but I do know she has good news for you.
Gone to bed? But, but its only 11.00 am!
No problem, I have added a link in my project page if you fancy looking at them.
Hi Darren,
Yes I have downloaded the 'Hello Dolly' music that wall-e likes
It only takes a moment and this one
put on your sunday cloths
I'm not sure if these are the right songs but there the closest I can find. I'm going to rip all the audio of the wall-e video just haven't had time yet. Well see you I have to go now it's 10 PM my dads telling me to go to bed.
Here are some pictures of the miniature wall-e I'm making (he's not finished yet):
see ya Phoebe
That is really cool!!!!
I have a very hard time working on small things so I find this amazing ! Really !
Thanks Phoebe,
I will get them downloaded later
Nice job on your mini Wall.e! Way too small for my sausage fingers, hope you post a picture of the finished job.
Welcome Phoebe!
Very cool to see the younger generation taking an interest in actually building things! Your mini wall-e is looking great! Can't wait to see what you and your dad do with the Wall-A.