United Kingdom
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Hi, I'M New

I last built a robot 30 years ago:) It was named Forbin and was designed to be autonomous (as far as was possible 30 years ago) - it could detect sound and light, follow a track and a buried guide wire, avoid obstacles and talk as it wandered the room - I was proud to bits of it!

Then having a life got in the way:(

However, I was so enthused when I saw what DJ and his team have done with ARC that I'm now jumping in again and am currently building Forbin 2. I'm shortcutting/cheating to getting to the stage where I have a flexible robot platform that I can get doing specific challenges, so I've bought the Lynxmotion Johnny 5 kit, stripped out the electronics, interfaced it to EZ-B and added pan and tilt motion tracking, mp3 trigger, etc. - I'll post videos and code soon if anyone is interested

The basis for future delvelopments will be a series of challenges to be solved by Forbin 2 through either hardware or software...one the of the earliest is to be able to pour my long-suffering wife a glass of wine (I kid you not, it's one of my design criteria!)

Thank you already to the forum for making me feel welcome and for helping me over some newbie problems


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Hey Crispi, if you get your robot to pour wine please release a video of it, I would love to see that being a Shiraz drinker myself - the EZ-Robot community is an excellent resource for all kinds of robot related issues.

Cheers and good luck


Welcome MrCrispi, there is much activity on the forum lately, and new messages quickly fall behind, you will definitely find great support here, mine ofcourse. I would like to see a photo of this robot 30 years of age and his new project. greetings.:)

United Kingdom

Thank you both Hazbot & R2D2 - I have already been made to feel really welcome...it's a part of this whole "getting back into robotics" that I didn't appreciate at all; it's brilliant to feel part of a community of like-minded people. For sure I'll dig Forbin 1 out of the attic sometime soon (poor Forbin 1 - I feel guilty just saying that about him!) and get some pictures up to contrast the two of them:)