
Hey,I Don'T Seem To Find A


I don't seem to find a link to the EZ-SDK. Can somebody help? It was said to be on this website under software but I don't know where exactly that should be.

I'm trying to talk to the ez-b v4 via tcp sockets in c++ on linux. I can connect and probably use the commands in the communication protocol ( didn't test every command yet). But I wanted to try to communicate with the camera. Now in the communication protocol sheet, there is no mention of the camera, that's why I wanted to see if I can find something in the SDK. Hence this question.

Thanks for any help!


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I updated the protocol specification document to include example of both audio and video streaming. Get it from the EZ-Robot website here:

I put example code in there to help as well.


Thank you very much for the fast and helpful answer! Even if I'm not acquainted with C#, I think I can apply that in c++. The only thing I don't get yet is how to start the camera capturing. Meaning what would I have to send in order to start receiving the camera stream. Like for example upon connecting I have to transmit 0x55 and will receive 1 byte containing the ez-b hardware revision.

Which bytes would I need to transmit to start/stop the camera stream? Or am I misunderstanding something fundamental?

Anyways, thanks again for the help!


The camera begins transmitting data soon as there's a tcp connection to the camera port. The camera TCP port by default is 24. You can configure it using the web configuration interface.

Perhaps you should start with ARC for Windows to learn a bit how the EZ-B works

#4   — Edited

Thanks, the TCP port of the camera is all I needed! Didn't know it was different.

Edit: Got it working:) Again, thank you very much! Just FYI in the communication protocol it says the image size is given as 16 bit uint but probably it should state 32 bit uint (as becomes apparent when digging through the example code).