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Help With Brookstone Rover?

Hi, I have just found my old Brookstone Rover. I think it's pretty cool what it can do, and when I saw what I could do with ARC, I had to try it. But on my computer in ARC, when I try to connect my Rover (Version 1), I always get the same error message:

3/1/2015 1:39 PM - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port) at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.() at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.Connect(RoverVersionEnum version) at ? .(Object , EventArgs )

Keep in mind I have the latest version of ARC, have just put new batteries in my Rover, and can connect to it through Wifi, just not ARC. I would LOVE it if someone could help me, because I've spent hours online and in my computer settings and I've gotten nothing.


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I don't think the Brookstone rover's are supported anymore...


But there's a Brookstone Rover Control Panel in the Add Control menu. I'm new at this, I never tried this before, but I'd figure they'd remove the Control Panel if they removed the robot...


The Brookstone rover is not made by EZ Robot... it's a 3rd party robot that DJ had graciously supported free for a long time... Unfortunately free doesn't pay the bills so EZ Robot had to develop their own line of robots to stay in business... If you can find an older version of ARC then you're all set...


Thank you SO much. I've been trying to get this to work for so long, and it was really THIS simple. Thanks a ton.