Asked — Edited

Hello Guys,I Know We Can O

Hello guys,

I know we can only have 32bits libraries into our plugins to include it into ARC. However, I would like to use a 64bits exclusive lib (YoloC#) into my plugin.

What would actually be the best solution ? Make an another program in 64bits that run in parallel to the plugin inside ARC and communicate together ?



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We’re debating that for tensor flow as well. It’ll be difficult to manage but I feel x64 exclusive might be the way to go. The only problem is some people have only 32 bit mini PCs in their robots. Let me think on a solution for you.

#2   — Edited

Hey !

Firstly, thanks to you and to the team for the awesome job you're doing here.

Alright, I'm not confortable with C# and developing with Windows but ROS could probably achieve that as a temporary solution.

W10 would have a ROS Master. The EZ-Plugin would be a publisher posting messages on a topic. The 64bits program would subscribe to this topic.

In the worst cases : Through local web server Through local PostgreSQL DB ... Through files ...


I thought of making an ROS node thingy as a plugin. The only thing is ROS on windows. Does that exist?

I think the best solution is to have, like you suggested, two versions of ARC for x86 and x64