
Hello,I Am Working With A 3

Hello, I am working with a 3 phase speed controller for my robot leg project. In order to change direction of the motor I need to either send +5V to a pin or ground that same pin.  Supplying the 5V in not problem but how can I use EZB to apply a common ground signal to that pin on command?



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#1   — Edited

Use the SET() command

# output +3.3v out of pin D0
Set(D0, true) 

# output gnd out of pin D0
Set(D0, false) 


Really, and that will ground that pin? I always thought that the output was 5V or something around 0V. I didn't realize it would be a cnx to ground.


When output on the pin is set to TRUE, that's called "logic 3.3v" and FALSE is "logic gnd". Computers run on binary which are merely a bunch of ON (3.3v) and OFF (gnd). Some computers are 5v, but most new ones are all 3.3v... not many are 5v these days.

However, your hardware probably switches at 3.3v without trouble. Most switching circuits will switch at anything above a specific voltage above GND