Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by Rich!

Getting Sonar To Work

How do we get the sonar to work? There doesn't seem to be any clear instructions on how to configure the wires that need to be connected to the sonar.


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United Kingdom

There are at least half a dozen posts in the forum which cover this plus a video on the hardware tutorials that clearly cover it.

However, wire like this

User-inserted image


I kept looking after I posted and found it. I'm surprised on a "plug and play" kit, that we had to rewire to get the included sensor to work. It turned out not to be problematic. Just surprising.

Unfortunately, the board can expect more posts as I try to figure out how things work. If I don't find something in the highlighted tutorials, I end up searching through the site for it or just reading through various pages. I'm still learning the format of the site.

I realize that this can be stressful for the niche that already knows where everything is on the board. And, for that I apologize.

I was also a bit quick to post because we ordered quite a few kits, and a couple had issues. So, now we're a bit on edge as to what else might not be working within a box.

United Kingdom

Don't take it the wrong way, perhaps it come over in the wrong "tone". It wasn't a complaint by any means, just stating it is a common question:)

If in doubt, post and ask, it's all friendly on here:D

P.S. You can use jumper cables to plug and play, soldering is not required.


No problem @Yme, if you have issues or questions, this forum will come up with whatever solution is needed.