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Firmware Upgrade Reboot And Slow Blink

Hi I just turned on my EZB and I have to upgrade my firmware.

I connected to the firmware updater Started the bootloader upload It says "firmware loaded. reboot EZ-B" So I pull out the battery and put it back in Now the board started but the large LED is pulsing slowly with a fade effect.

What's going on? Did the firmware update succeed? Is it still updating? Is it ready? stress


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If you run the updater again and it said you have the latest firmware, then it is already updated. What you do is close ARC and reopen it, reconnect bluetooth in ARC and it should go solid again. Hope that helps.

Best regards, Louis


Ok so the slow blink is a new feature of this firmware.


I don't know if its new but after i updated mine it does the same thing.


Thanks for your help.