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Face Recognition

Hello all I want to know if you program a robot to do face recognition, it can work after on stand alone mode without to be connected to a computer. On all demo I've seen you have a computer working next to the robot. Regards


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@Mika77f Hello, all features of EZ-Robot require the computer to be connected wirelessly to the robot controller:) . Please browse our website to find out more.


Hello DJ,

It is not possible like in Lego Mindstorm to upload the program in the Chip on the EZ board ? Computer need to be connected to the robot to run the program ?

Anyway I have bought one EZ kit and I am impatient to receive it ;-)



Hi! The EZ-B Robot Controller (much like all robot controllers) are not powerful like PC's. Their primary focus is to control hardware through it's I/O. Lego Mindstorms, and other controllers do not have neither the speed or memory to perform even the basic features of the EZ-B. The EZ-B not only controls 20 servos (independently at a variety of speeds), but also sensors, ADC and i2c components - all in realtime.

Lego Mindstorms and Arduino are a very different world than EZ-Robot. Yes EZ-Robot tethers to a PC, but that is due to leveraging the processing power of the PC and merging it with the hardware layer of the EZ-B.

If you wish to embed a PC within your robot, affordable Mini-ITX is what many use on the website.

However, I use a laptop with my 50 robots - because it gives me GUI control to fine-tune and enhance my robots.:)

Our manufacturing facility is on some national chinese holiday, so orders will be delayed:( .. China seems to take holidays very seriously!



No problem, it is the reason why I bought EZ technologie, because I have already Mindstorm and I know the limitation.

You have done a great work and I am impatient.

I hoppe it will not too much delay ;-)

My wife is chinese and I will tell her to call the factory if need :-)

Don't worry I will wait.

Thank you for your reactivity to answer.

Keep going man ;-)



Hey. How do you embed a pc into the robot.