— Edited
I attempted to switch my ezbot ap mode to client mode. part of the issue is that when attempting to access the web page which use an ip address of my home router which is the same ip address come up in steady. after a few trys of rebooting I get the exbot web page manage to go in client mode the then my bot tells me that it cannot get internet access. so I can access the bot threw the ARC. I reset the bot network connects and its back and forth
any I idea on how to get around this
Once you are in client mode, the IP Address of the EZ-B is no longer
The IP Address of your EZ-B in client mode is assigned by your router.
To find the EZ-B in client mode, use the SCAN button in the connection control -or- look in your router's DHCP client list.
Here is the EZ-B WiFi modes tutorial: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Lesson/15?courseId=5
Here is information on how your home network works, and what a CLIENT is and what IP Addresses mean: http://lifehacker.com/5830886/know-your-network-lesson-1-router-hardware-101
yes I when threw ever step possible and read the ezbot lession and video lessions. and can not access connection at the client level. I scan in easy build for that ip address and went in my client network in my router and cannot see that special ip number given to the bot I try turning off every thing I think might get in the way of the connects. nothing.
Does the EZ-B speak and say that it has connected successfully to your network?
What does the speaker say?
when I get into client mod it says it cannot connect to the internet and it says nothing more at that point.
it says everything else except it does not say anything about connected to the network or internet.
I'm sorry, can you clarify? Here is the instruction video. Let me know if you receive the same verbal speech commands from the ez-b when it powers on...
What I need to know is when the EZ-B powers on, what does it speak and say? For example, does it say:
Which one of those two vocal messages does the ez-b speak?
Please watch this tutorial and tell me where your experience differs please.
When I get the ezb web page and I have the choice to select in ap mode. Or wifi client . And l select client mode as in your video and provide my network information it said at the end that I am unable to connect to the network.
And the red light come on as it show on the video. The I reset and try again.
Also as I mention to you before I have to reboot by router a few time just to get the ez bot web page cause by router and the ezb web page. Use the same IP address. So it take a bit of time to do all of this. I spent a whole day trying to join the ez bot and my pc and ezb. Software
You have not answered the question about the EZ-B speaking. Does your EZ-B not make any sound? For example, does it not make a sound when the power is applied?
The red light flashing means the EZ-B is unable to connect to your network.
Again, the IP Address is not the same. I believe it is best for you to continue learning using the AP Mode (default mode) until you have a better understanding of Client Mode.
Client mode will also introduce lag and slower response time because the network connection is not direct. Using AP Mode (default mode) will be best at this time to enjoy your robot and continue learning