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Ez-Board - Some Questions

At last I have received my Complete Robot Kit! Once again big thanks to you! I have some questions about my EZ-Board:

  1. What appointment of 6-pin connector on EZ-Board? It is designated as: (-MCLR * 3.3 * 5V * Gnd * Gnd * Vin)
  2. On my EZ-Board V3, Rev1 there is no R1 and C1. The diode D1 is soldered differently. It is updating?
  3. If the resistor and the condenser are necessary, what their face values?



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Hi! welcome to the EZ-robot community!

  1. I don't know what -MCLR is but 3.3 is 3.3v, 5v speaks for itself, gnd is Ground, otherwise known as minus and VIN is the input voltage for the voltage regulators.

  2. That's just normal, mine has that too.

  3. They are appearantly not.

Hope you have fun with your EZ-B :D


Thanks for the help, Niek! The set has received only yesterday, therefore has had time to make only Version Update and to check up functioning of digital & analogue ports and interface to the WiFi camera. The most interesting still ahead! Regards.


Glad to help, have fun!:D