Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by thetechguru!

Ez-B And Arduino Mega2560 R3

Hey guys, just waiting for the ship date, then i'm planning on building a Bipod robot, now since the legs and arms will be having a lot of servos, i'm just wondering what you guys might suggest to run all these servos, i also have an Arduino UNO as well, but i am not sure how much of this stuff will work with the EZ-B, im looking at 8-12 servos in the legs alone, plus maybe 8-14 more in the arms, then a few in the head and im still wondering about making it bend in the middle or keep it rigid and just bend in the legs. anyways let me know your thoughts.

P.S. if anyone has figured out a "learning" algorithm for EZ-B let me know as i would like my robot to learn and remember stuff.


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


my thought was more than one ez-b controller. And not use Arduino at all, even though i have them too.

:):):):) j


Thanks to the reduced size of the new ezb v4 and WiFi onboard I would just get yourself two boards if you need more ports. It will be much faster than trying to integrate a arduino to work with it.


@Armadyne , Hello I was just checking in with you. It appears that an extra ez board is the best way to go for you. Please mark this thread as answered unless you have additional questions. Thank you and happy building - Josh