Hi, All.
I am just starting out on planning a robot build and was thinking that it would be good to be able to have the robot under remote control when it is not autonomous.
Running things via a sabertooth seems like a workable solution for a robot's wheels, but I have other servos, lights, and sounds that need to be dual-controlled as well. I read about using a RC RX multiplexer, but the wiring gets quickly confusing given the sparse documentation.
Hooking up the receiver into the EZ-b would seem the most straightforward from a hardware standpoint, but I haven't seen this done with the EZ-b per se. The following is the closest I've seen.
Do you have any advice on the easiest way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
Welcome @ftlum
The nature of the EZ-B controller board is that it communicates (typically via Bluetooth) to a PC running ARC software (that does all the "thinking"). Thus the system is already a form of remote control with semi or full automation options via ARC. You can hook up joysticks and game pad type controls to the PC to enhance the physical hands-on remote control aspect.
Hello, gunner is right web is already being controlled by a computer. However i understand the need to manually control your bot. Somthing i did is bought a 6 channel tv controller and also purchased the use cable to use it as a joystick windows .