Asked — Edited

Dj Another Good Question About Sonars

is there a way to adjust the offset on sonars in EZB ,like i can do easy in LEAF project most sonars start at 3 inches,so if you are 1 foot from the robot it reads 9 inches so it needs a offset of +3 inches,same goes with mounting a camera in the center of 12 inch disk it will be off by 3 inches,center is 6 inches -3 inch = -3 inch offset it will be a little less,because of the cone or screen in front they measure from the cone to object there are some fixes like move the sonar in 3 inches ,not really a good idea or like for camera mount move it out 3 inches,not a great idea


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the value is not in inches because the sonars have different calibration per model. you'll need to use a tape measure to determine the value vs inches.


yes that i know,the offset of that value i need to set in EZB ,i now its not in iches you need a special board that convert the values witch i have

what i need is how to set the calibration values in EZB,in LEAF IT EASY ,they have a sensor.ini file in yours may be pwm value is calibration point