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Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Disabling Certain Custom Colours , Blod Detection

Hi. Does anyone know if it is possible to temporarily disable certain custom colour?

I have 3 custom colours in the multicolour tab, red, blue and green. What I want to do is disable two colours so the camera will only track the colour I wish, and ignore the other two even when all colours are in view of the camera.

I need a command like this: ControlCommand("Camera", CameraMultiColorTracking,"Blue",disable) controlcommand("Camera",colormulticolortracking;"Blue"; disable)

I may just have the syntax wrong.

I have notice that priority is given to the first custom colour in the multicolour list, maybe I could change this somehow?

Help would be much appreciated.



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United Kingdom

Wow, that was quick!

Thank you so much.

Kind Regards M