Could we get optional user setting fields "Public Email" & "URL" where we can put addresses for only other users to see on our User Details pages? (Sharing email addresses in posts, opens us up to spam bots. I don't have a spam filter on my email address (haven't needed it for last 8yrs), I started getting a rash of spam after posting my email address on the publicly viewable community)
And how about a Wiki style* repository. This would be a place where we can list our favorite sources for parts, tips & tricks, and troubleshooting guides for fellow users to easily find. For instance, I have allot of lead acid battery & DC wiring knowledge I'd like to share and some L298N H-Bridge troubleshooting info that'd be perfect for a Wiki style repository.
*I understand you wouldn't use an actual Wiki, but create your own.
David, just wanting to help improve one of my favorite online communities.
Sounds good. Especially the Wiki. People here are doing some pretty advanced and impressive work. It would be great if they could share it in a wiki style repository so that we can all benefit from each other's work.
Agreed. Sometimes it's hard to find something that you know you have seen for more info. It gets lost in all the conversation for the thread.