— Edited

I bought a developer's kit and built a Boxbot out of acrylic, everything ran fine (Dates are 1/1/2016 to 1/10/2016), until 1/10/2016, the camera will not power up. I tried reseating the cards and both ends of the cable. I don't even get the blue power light on the camera, everything else works fine. Any help will be appreciated.
Charles, I suggest you edit out your email and phone number. This is a publicly accessible forum.
Pretty clear if the camera won't even power up, and you have tried the things we would recommend you try (re-seating the boards and cable) and assuming you have not abused it, that you have a warranty claim. Use the Contact Us form, select warranty, and reference this thread and EZ-Robot will take care of you.
Thanks Alan. I thought this was going straight to Tech support, not on the forum.
The warranty instructions can be a little confusing. EZ-Robot wants you to report the issue to the public forums first because a lot of things people think are warranty issues can be easily fixed with advice from the community, or are user error. They have one guy answering warranty cases and although he is more technical than the young woman who used to do it, he couldn't possibly have the vast experience of the whole user community in solving problems. But your case is pretty obvious. No power and you did all of the no-power trouble-shooting steps.
Thanks, going thru warranty now.
I thought we already closed this out. You guys are fantastic and your help is unsurpassed. Thanks again.