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Camera Requires System Path

Hi everyone,

I was having trouble getting the camera to work in C#. All the examples from the SDK were working fine, except those involving the camera. I needed to add the \EZ-SDK\DLL folder to my system path to get it working.

When trying to compile, i was getting an error message like:

System.Io.FileNotFoundEXCEPTION FileNotFoundException. Impossible to load file or assembly FFMPEG.dll or one of dependence.

This happens in-spite of having added the reference(s) correctly.

Add the \EZ-SDK\DLL folder to system path and restart to fix this.



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That is one way to do it - the other is to copy the files from the EZ-SDK DLL folder into your application folder.

For example, the files necessary for all EZ-SDK functions to work are found in the EZ-SDK DLL folder. Those files must be in you executable folder. You can either manually copy them, or add the files to your project and modify their property to be copied.:)

When working with libraries in your custom application, they will always need to be copied into the executable folder. The library DLL files that are dependencies will need to be accessible by the application. This can be done by either being in the path, or by being included in the executable folder.

The files that must be included are...


aForge.dll avcodec-53.dll avdevice-53.dll avfilter-2.dll avformat-53.dll avutil-51.dll EZ-QRCode.dll EZ_B.dll FFMPEG.dll iweardrv.dll iwrstdrv.dll swscale-2.dll


I tried to reference the dlls in Visual Studio 2012. The only ones that worked are FFMPEG.dll, EZ_B.dll, aForge.dll, and EZ-QRCode.dll. I get this error for the rest:

User-inserted image


You only reference EZ_B.DLL...

All other files are COPIED to your compiled folder. Please re-read my above post:)