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Camera Does Not Work In Wifi Mode

I want to use JD in network mode. Everything works in Ad Hoc. Then I switch to the WIFI mode. If I connect JD to the network, This is also found via ARC. I can control it but not use its camera. Always get the error camera timeout. Is there for the camera also a tool for the search of the ip? Have everything tried including Google.


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Type the IP address in the camera box. Or if you have a /2, use the SCAN tool button next to the address entry box.

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The scan tool give me the ip from JD. I can connect JD. But i cant connect with this IP the cam. When I press the scan button next to the camera IP, Opens a window "listening ....". I have it at 2 PCs tried.

I can choose my webcams and a parrotcam but not JD.

In standart connection AP Mode, JD works fine.


If you have an EZ-B v4.x/2, the scan will work on the camera control. If you have a previous generation EZ-B v4, you manually type the address in the box using the keyboard.

*Note: the address that you type in the camera control and connection control will save with the robot project.

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If you have a previous generation EZ-B v4 and wish to upgrade to the latest, you can do so with the EZ-B v4/2 Comm Upgrade. The EZ-B v4/2 Comm Upgrade adds new features, including broadcast for EZ-B's and connected cameras. Otherwise, you can use the keyboard and type the IP address in the camera address window with previous generation EZ-B v4's.

The EZ-B is always in WiFi mode. The WiFi mode on this topic is CLIENT MODE. Find out more about the different WiFi modes in the tutorial here:


Thanks for your Service. I have find the way. You are great.